Candace Headband For Toddlers

New headband for the toddlers. Also, scroll down for the link to download matching flower earrings. Check out this headband for kids.
NOTE: This item will work best with hat slider. It is meshed for wider hair styles, so you will need to adjust its width and height. This time I highly recommend using it with hat slider by Redheadsims. The base headband is thin therefore not really forgiving and will clip a lot if you do not adjust it with hat slider. It will not work with a few newer hair styles due to some conflict in bone assignment, but works with 99% of custom hairs from my folder.
This headband works with hat slider for toddlers and kids converted by Redheadsims-CC!
You will be able to adjust the position of any hat or headband to many hairstyles if it is made to work with slider. I make all my hats/headbands compatible with hat sliders. You don’t need to have it, but it is a useful mod if you want to use this headband with different hair styles. By default it was fitted to Simiracle conversion of Ade Riri hair. I highly recommend downloading this slider.
* 5 swatches
* Base game compatible, feminine style choice, available for humans, vampires, mermaids and aliens, disallowed for random.
* HQ textures/ HQ settings compatible
* Custom thumbnails
* Properly tagged colors
* Works with Redheadsims hat slider (download it)
All lods.
Very high: 2550 High: 1431 Medium: 359 Low: 303
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